Recommendation RE: On Higher Note Demo Playlists on Tidal Streaming

Philip O’Hanlon from On Higher Note (premier distributor of high-end audio components in the United States & Canada) publishes some of his demo playlists on Tidal.  His playlists are recommended and I especially like "Box of Fun" listed below (one example).   The link below is an example of his 'Box of Fun” playlist on Tidal. Box Of Fun on TIDAL, 2006 is inspired by Randy Cribb of Audio Advice. I really like this one.

"How do I play this "Box of Fun" from Philip's playlist posted on his On Higher Note website?"  

In summary, the steps below explains how to find the playlist on the On Higher Note website, documents how you link to Tidal on your computer, displays the Box of Fun playlist, instructs you to log into Tidal and then SAVE this album as a favorite in your playlist section of the app.  THESE STEPS MUST BE DONE ON YOUR COMPUTER:

1) Go to this link:

2) Scroll toward the end of the text and look for the “listen on Tidal box”. Click this box and Box of Fun will be displayed.  I suggest you listen to the album before you proceed to ensure you like it (for fun, turn volume down, play the 2nd song named Norbu by Bruno Coulais and turn volume up as needed). Very cool.  

3) Immediately login into Tidal (on your computer) and make Box of Fun your favorite by clicking on the star button. This saves it to your Tidal playlist. Pease VERFIFY that you made Box of Fun a favorite by looking for it on the Tidal menu.

DO NOT LEAVE this step until you CONFIRM "Box of Fun" is STORED as a favorite.  Box of Fun must be stored as a favorite.  VERIFY the play list is a favorite by looking.  Keep looking, if needed.

NOTE-1:  >>>>  If no Aurender, play these play lists on your computer.  Or, play on another device that supports Tidal Streaming.

4) Log OUT of Tidal on your computer (you are done with Tidal on your computer).

5) Go to your Aurender iPad app, start the Aurender application and look for favorite album playlist.  The album may, or may not, be easy to find so keep looking.  If you saved it correctly in step #3 above, its got to be there.

Yes.  Okay. I agree this process is not the easiest thing to do.  It will be easier after you use it several times.  I requested this process be improved but it is not going to happen.

Philip changes his play lists sometime so review his web site for any updates.  Please see his site for additional Tidal built playlists.  

His play lists are terrific and well worth your time adding them to your Tidal app.

NOTE-2: >>>>>  My above links should work.  If not, go here and look:


Showing 1 response by hgeifman

If you ever get bored with your Tidal music, try this (you probably are already doing this):  

Go to the Tidal search and type in classical masters.  Or, piano masters, guitar masters, jazz masters, etc.

Check out the selections.  I like the 101 classical masterpieces album.  Enjoy.