Keith, what leads you to replace your current loudspeakers?
Recommendation on speakers with bass adjustibility
Hello all, I’m in the market for new speakers. I like accurate bass and I have limited room to move speakers around to optimize the bass due to my 9’ video screen on the front wall. I currently have Vandersteen 5A’s and, of course, they have the ability to adjust the bass to accommodate one’s room without having to actually move the speakers. My room is 22 ½’ X 17 1/2’ with an 8’ to 9’ foot ceiling (it varies). The listen spot is at 15’. I’m aware of the Acoustic Evolution speakers which are indeed very interesting and have the adjustability that I am looking for, but are there any other speakers out there (under $30K) that have the ability to adjust the bass to accommodate one’s room? Thank you all for any input.