recommendation for turntable vibration damping

i recently moved into a new home and just completed a project to install insulation under the floor (in the crawlspace). this was done to save on heating costs, but i figured it would also help to dampen vibration from the floor. the floors themselves are fairly cheap with thin carpet over them. (we are likely to install hardwood floors in about a year or so.)

anyway, after the insulation project was complete, i noticed that if i tapped my foot (as in moderate footstep), i could see my turntable shake. i'm wondering what steps i could take to reduce this vibration.

here are some relevant details:
>> VPI Aries on a Bright Star Air Mass 19, sitting atop a...
>> Finite Elemente "Spider" rack built up about 24" with a preamplifier, CD player, and VPI SDS also on it/weighing it down.

the rack is modular (which has served me well during a few moves) and is lightweight.

i'm wondering what my options are for reducing vibration -- i don't think i can afford a big/heavy rack right now.

is something like a bright star 'big rock' advisable? i would imagine loading it down with sand would really weigh down the rack and, presumably, dampen vibration. (they're not cheap, though...especially for the size i need for an original aries. i don't have an outboard flywheel, but i may get one one day.)

i'm open to any thoughts.

thank you in advance.

Showing 2 responses by dewald_visser

Have a look at either a Grand Prix Isolation Rack or a Vibraplane shock-proof table...

If your system 'shakes' when you tap your foot on the floor then even the best isolation system will not be of any help. Have you considered to maybe wall-mount the system?

Dewald Visser
Glad you got your TT sorted. I feel for you guys with wooden floors! I used to live in a house with nasty wooden floors - what a nightmare. Luckly I now live in a house tha is as solid as a rock - with concrete floors with wood covering.

A solid support is absolutely vital for a turntable. I have exprienced that these brick-walls of my house also reverbrate at some extent and this worries me - if a supposed solid wall reverbrates - then what is good for your turntable?

Kind regards,