Recommendation for stylus for Shure V15 type III SuperTrackPlus

Recommendation for stylus for Shure V15 type III SuperTrackPlus and where to get it.
Someone broke mine off - I wanted to get a thinner one anyway, so I would really appreciate it if someone could direct me to an online shop where I can get a stylus for it. My TT is super heavy pioneer.

Thanks in advance...


Showing 2 responses by chakster

Never buy anything from LP Gear, they ordered custom styli from Jico and they are not like those original styli JICO can offer on their site for very good price. Always buy directly from JAPAN right from the manufacturer. JICO SAS only (SAS is Super Analog Stylus), cheaper version including LP Gear custom version must be ignored. Jico SAS comes with Ruby or Sapphire cantilevers, earlier version was Boron Rod. The LP Gear i’ve seen before was a strange version with Aluminum cantilever. The original Shure cantilever is Beryllium and it’s totally different from Aluminum.

I’ve seen so many "dead stock styli" from LP Gear that does not even look like the originals, they are always different, some of them comes without manufacturer logo on it like the AT products etc. I wouldn’t buy from them for this reason.