Recommendation for Improvement over McCormack DNA-225

I currently have a McCormack DNA 225 mated with a VTL 2.5 and Line Magnetic 502 DAC powering my Salk Veracity HT3's. I think it sounds really nice but can definitely have some top end harshness, especially at the volumes I like to listen to.  I consider the Salk's are fairly power hungry in the low end (as confirmed with Jim Salk), can anyone recommend a SS amp with as much grunt as the McCormack in the range of 2K plus or minus.  Sure I would like a Pass or Ayre, but those are way above my price bracket.    I've tried Bel Canto Ref1000 mono's and Van Alstine.  The DNA had a better mid range presentation and better bottom end than both, no comparison.  Any other recommendations shy of the DNA 500, which again is over my price range.

Showing 3 responses by audio717

I agree with hifiman5, give Steve a call and at least explore the upgrade path. I have several upgraded components from SMC and Steve and Pat are fantastic to work with.   I just got my .5 monoblock signatures and am loving them.  

I recently worked with SMC to upgrade the fuses in my .5 signature mono's.  My goal was to enhance the midrange, which was achieved.  I also got a reduction in top end harshness.  I was quite surprised at the difference between the high end fuses vs stock.  They are not cheap so this is a clear example of getting what you pay for.  SMC will give you guidance on the make and spec for your McCormack amp.  Now that I've experienced the difference, it would be the first thing I would do, followed by modifications.  


Hifi tuning silver stars for the rails and Furutech's for the board.  I did them myself after getting the specs from SMC.  The silver stars have been on sale (discontinued) so the 6.3A small fast blows that was recommended were unavailable and I tried 5A instead and so far they have worked fine.  They only recommend the silver stars with hifi tuning, otherwise it's the much more expensive synergistic red's.  Those are the only fast blows for the rails that they recommend as best.  There are several lesser quality.