Recommendation for Cartridge for Technics SL-1200G?

Hello everyone,
Looking for some recommendations for a cartridge for the Technics SL-1200G. Turntable paired with integrated amplifier Marantz PM-KI-PEARL. I am currently thinking about buying the Audio Technica AT-ART9. Any advice would be appreciated. There is a link for Marantz specifications: (pg. 30).

Thank you

Michael Fremer said of the 1200G...

In case you were wondering if the arm was tailored for high compliance moving magnet cartridges, I can tell you that I used, among other cartridges, the Lyra Etna SL and when I measured the horizontal and vertical resonant frequencies using the Hi-Fi News test record, both measured between 8Hz-and 9Hz, which means yes, you can use the SL-1200G with your favorite low-medium compliance moving coil cartridges.

To calculate what is best there are two resources I have been using. First the Ortofon guide and chart here...

The shows that resonant frequency should be between 7-12Hz is best idea being somewhere is the middle of this range.

For the Technics with an arm mass of 12g +a headshell which is likely to be 7-10g the arm mass will be in the range 19-22g 

This means that Compliance rating of 10, 15 and 20 are best suited (low to medium) 25 is marginal.

This calculator enables precise values of resonant frequency...

For this the target extremes are
19g - 7Hz - 27CU
22g - 12 Hz - 8CU

So this shows that between 8CU and 27CU depending on precise cartridge weight.
The optimum probably is 9-10Hz
19g at 9Hz gives 16.5 CU
22g at 10Hz gives 11.5 CU

Two real world example

Soundsmith Zephyr Star MMIC 
Compliance 10 µm/mN
weight 12.2g
On the Technics arm this gives a resonant frequency of 10.2Hz

A 2g heavier head shell would give 9.8Hz

Dynavector 10x5
Compliance 12, Wight 7.3g
On the Technics arm this gives a resonant frequency of 10.46Hz 

Both are good matches!

Many SL-1200G owners are using the ART9 with outstanding results, me included.  When I plug the numbers in to the Calculator I get a value of 8Hz.  Close enough.
It is my understanding is the effective mass for the SL--1200G tonearm is 12g with headshell included.   In addition, these calculators that are available online are strictly approximations at best.  It is always best to measure the tonearm/cartridge resonance using proven methods.