Recommendation all-rounded speaker (small room)

Hi audiogon forumers,

I listen to variety of music genres from slow, lazy to fast music, jazz, classical to pop/rock depends on mood.

Thus, I need your humble opinion to recommend all-rounded speaker to fit my small listening room (12' x 10' x 9' , W x D x H).  Currently using Accuphase AB amplifier, source from Roon via Intel NUC/Auralic.

I am eyeing at SCM 11 with great interest.  Anyone other recommendation is very welcome.


Showing 10 responses by auronthas

Thanks guys again for your valuable inputs, i should have be more patient to audition the change of sound . My last speaker "break in" was 15 years ago lol.  

@ghdprentice @digsmithd Thanks guys.

Finally I got SCM11 setup and listened over the weekend. Initial impression , it delivers a wider sound stage than my previous Sonus Faber.  Deeper bass and sweet mid range (vocal) and much detail on higher midrange frequency .  

But some tracks giving boomy bass than my previous speaker.  At the moment I only have two bass traps at lower bottom corner of front wall.  Should I treat my room, four wall corner with extended foam acoustic panel upto ceiling ? 

 I have both shelves and curtain on side walls, it will act as diffuser.

Would like to hear your thoughts on bass related issues.


@newbee Unfortunately not in my listening room, I listened to both SCM7 and SCM 11 at distributor showroom, slighly bigger than mine by 20% , both are quite well performed, I prefer the latter as it may be easier to drive with larger volume. 

Busy on other things 😆,  only manage an hour or two per day.

I am satisfied with the sound , did slight toe in speaker with equalateral triangle from listening spot  due to small room /near field to reduce boomy noise, slight improvement. Will continue to observe and enjoy auditioning familiar tracks. 😉 

Hi Brad @lonemountain 

Thanks for your suggestion,  I do have bookshelves and curtain as first reflection side walls, I am going to add 8" (4"+4") corner bass trap from floor to ceiling at four-corner walls.

Ya, got mine speaker stand from our local ATC distributor,  quite heavy , slightly lighter than SCM11.

Hi @jim5559 , Classical is one of my favorite genres, sometimes I listen to fast , dynamic tracks pop to rock, depends on mood. I believe ATC should suit and meet my music preference . Thanks for your recommendation nevertheless 

@ghdprentice basically listen mostly on Jazz / Classical , I tends to listen to relaxing music than shouty rock/pop . As i said, it depends on mood/stress ...

No pre-amp, but integrated amp of Accuphase. Currently speaker is Sonus Faber Concertino Domus , not good in fast and dynamic music.

Thanks so much for all your inputs and sharing.  I have ordered SCM 11, hope it will serve me another 10, 20 years in my small room with privacy.

Cheers to all !

I was told by few friends that ATC speakers have been tested with wide range frequencies during QA/QC test, is that consider break in ? 

@lonemountain  Hi Brad.

Thanks for your clarification on ATC speaker break in.

On similar woofer glue you mentioned. I have had made a mistake using dry microfiber to remove dirt on woofer.  Alas, few fabric sticked to woofer and glue, I didn't know the woofer is "wet and sticky".  Bad thing happen when I used my finger to remove fabric at the woofer rubber ring, the glue rolled together with fabric as photo attached.

Luckily it does not affect the sound.  The woofer no longer look aesthetically nice.   I dare not touch the woofer.  Any treatment to make good the glue or just leave it ? Thanks 


Appreciate your advise, not sure how to upload the photo in my previous post was not proper loaded (though I have inserted the URL image and photo size) Nevermind, since it's very minor issue, not going to touch or bother the woofer. I may use air dust blower (camera lens) to blow away the dirt if need be. Thanks again guys. 
