Recommend Speakers For Yamamoto

Can anybody please recommend speakers to go with Yamamoto A-08S 45 SET amp. I have some speakers in mind the B&W CM1 and JM Lab Micro Utopia. This is my first time with SET Amp so I don't know how will this Amp handle this speakers. I usually listen to vocal, jazz, pop and no heavy metal.
may want to consider baffleless speakers offered by morrow audio great bargain very cohearant and dynamic @ 100db i tried them as an experiment with set amp very impressed \
and drivers not even broken in yet ted
With jazz, pop and vocals, you might be able to get away with speakers in the low 90's if your room is not too big. You'll probably have some dynamic compression on loud or complex passages but it is workable.

Ive never heard the B&Ws. The JM labs might work but the tonality might be too lean with that combo. Both of these are kinda iffy in this application.

Realistically, speakers in the range of 94-97 dB will offer more satisfaction with ones over 100dB even better.

There are a lot of speaker options both commercial and DIY. It depends on budget. So what is youir budget and can you do DIY?
Thanks for all your inputs. My room size is quite small 18'x12' so I don't want the speakers too big or bulky. I prefer ready made one or DIY kit is okay as long is doesn't require me to build the boxes from scratch because I don't have access to table saw. My budget is around $2,000 and used one is another option.


I'm using the Zu Definitions with my A-08s. Their Tone model is a standmount that retails for a little less than $2k and offers high-90 sensitivity.

Good luck!
you're going backwards....pick speakers you like, then match them with a proper amp. otherwise your choices aren't the greatest.