Recommend relatively obscure high end tube preamps

Just wondering whether people can offer advice on high end preamps worth auditioning. I am looking for those who have experience with more esoteric and expensive equipment (MSRP >5000). I've owned Wavac (never should have sold it) and now own the Aesthetix Callisto Signature. I've owned BAT, CJ, ARC so I'm not looking for answers on things you can readily find.

One that comes to mind is the Brinkmann Marconi. Any opinions?

What else is out there?

~ William

Showing 1 response by kwtoxman

This is rare/obscure/hi-end. Hand built to any spec with no distribution. Not much info out there, but some people have raved about them.

He can make any one in any fashion you like.

For example a QA-806 made with separate power supplies and a 2 colour chassis including piano black finish with all the extra options (inputs, remote, etc) would be pricey, impressive, and nice.....

You have to speak with Albert to really understand the options on all of the preamps.