Recommend location and type for kitchen speakers

I've not got as exciting a construction project as Albert's but I am remodeling my kitchen later this winter. I would like to have a small system there; maybe an NAD L-40 or Linn Classik. What I am having a hard time getting a grip on is how to locate speakers. Most of the work is done at one end of the kitchen along one wall. I could put in-walls there, but I would only be about 18-24" away from that wall, and the speakers would have to be about 6-8' apart (double window in between). Or they could be bookshelfs at that same location or in-walls in the ceiling, or bookshelfs or in-walls behind me (for that pick-up truck effect!). I'm obviously not going for a serious system here, just some tunes while I work. I would like to get others ideas/experiences/thoughts. Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by swampwalker

Wish I had some co-incident but sadly do not. Right now I have a single NHT superzero and a pair of PSB minis hanging around not doing anything. Since the entire room will be gutted, I'm thinking that in-wall (or ceiling) could be nice. I will probably drive them with the second zone from my Yammie HT rig (Pioneer DV-05 CD/DVD) and use a Moscode amp I have that is also semi-retired.
You betcha, gonna finance the purchase with proceeds from sale of my Enron stock [;~)]
Ceiling speakers was definately something I was thinking of, but I've got a two story and the kitchen (of course) is on the ground floor. So attic situation is not a problem in terms of rot or whatever, but the enclosure volume might be kind of small. Running multiple speakers in mono is an interesting idea. In addition to the speakers themselves, another issue I need help on is cabling. Last time I did some work, the electrician said that couldn't use the speaker wire I wanted, cause it wasn't rated for being enclosed in a wall. Any ideas on what's allowed and what would be good. BTW, the kitchen is small (only about 12 x 12, with a fairly high ceiling (about 7'10", I think). And the cabinets are custom, and going right to the ceiling (no soffit).
Fbi- thanks, I always appreciate humor. I won't have any problem wiring or construction, since the ceiling is coming down and a contractor is doing the whole job. What I'm trying to get a handle on most is speaker placement and code issues re: speaker wire. This will definately NOT be a reference system, but since I work long hours and do most of the cooking, I'd like it to sound nice. Other big issue is relatively small kitchen; if I can good sound out of mini-monitors or in-wall or in-ceiling, that is how I want to go. Has anyone had any experience with speakers behind you? I will probably have some space on the opposite wall to the sink/main counter. Table radio would not be a bad idea if there were any decent radio stations nearby.