Recommend Class a Amp

This past weekend I purchased some Infinity QLS-1 Speakers and the gentlemen I bought them from was powering them with a Krell KSA-250. I was impressed, how the Krell drove those speakers. Most of my amps are tube and I would like to get me a keeper used well thought of class A solid state amp. I would like to stay in the Under thew 3K price range. Look forward to your recommendations.

Showing 4 responses by dave_72

Hmm...well, it is a mass market (or semi-mass market) product, though true? I remember reading here that they did not use the superior Nichicon filter caps for a while.

Anyway, I have pooh-poohed Parasound here on the other boards I'm on, however I wouldn't mind putting them up to the big boys.
Not that I'm in the market for 1, but where do you pick them up for cheap? Those are $9000 USD amps.
Ok, Abrew, I see your point. Personally, I'm not going by price but by performance. And to me and other audiophiles, most of Parasound, minus the Halos I suppose, is upper mid-fi. Again, I'd love to hear how they compare to Pass Labs and even higher end stuff.