Recommend Amp and Preamp with Dynaudio Confidence 50

Hello Friends,

I am planning to upgrade my system. I have kind of decided on Dynaudio Confidence 50 as my Speakers. Will be grateful if you can recommend Amps and Preamp for these speakers. Room size is about 20 ft X 30 ft. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by eagle3333

I have a Diablo 300. It’simply astonishing. But I tried it with Confidence 30 for a few days and, while I found the sound beautiful, airy, detailed etc it was a touch too slow; bass overhung a tad too much for me. Ultimately I preferred the timing of Gryphon speakers. Not surprising really. Previously I ran Naim with Dynaudio and that worked well. Plinius Hiato also paired well when I tried it. Hegel gets a lot of thumbs up with Dynaudio but I haven’t heard. Pass Labs, too? But everything is comparative and personal - you might love the way the Diablo works with Dynaudio. I would definitely try it. Don’t underestimate what speaker cables bring to (or take from) the party, too.