Bcgator, I am entirely aware of box coloration brought in by typical wood boxes. And I am not talking about them being musical harmonics at all. I have heard many open baffle designs, completely aluminium cabinet studio monitors, electrostats and planar speakers and of course some horn speakers which have absolutely either no boxes around it or no wood around it. The good examples of all these speakers have no tendency of leaning out the harmonic content. They can play rock and pop the way it should, with its original color, drive and vigour. At the same time they play with extreme precision classical and jazz too. A true system should bring out everything that a recording has to offer. Most of the popular albums from the rock n roll era are not great recordings but they still have some raw juice and energy which comes out on most low to mid-fi systems. It is an audiophile dogma that high quality systems cant play such recordings. Its not true.