Recommend a good Monitor for my existing system

Hello All,
I been reading many of your threads to gain insight into my next purchase. You guys have some great things to say about Audio gear and Music.
I'm looking for a Monitor for my dedicated 11.5 x 17 x 8 h sound room/getaway.
I want to add a speaker with increased midrange magic.
I want Refinement with Involment, Emotion and Comunicativeness.
If you have other speakers to recommend I would like to stay below $1300. new/used. Sounds pretty low but I know it can be done.
I listen to all kinds of music except for rap and country. My current system includes:
Wadia 830, Pass Labs Aleph 30, Audio Electronic Supply Super Amp Signature, Magnepan MMGs (w/mods), REL Storm III and various cables. I will NEVER sell the maggies. The MMG has got to be one of the best speaker values out there. With a couple of mods, good placement (5 feet from front wall) and a decent front end they are hard to beat. I'm on my sixth maggie (IIIa, IIc, SMGc, 3.3, 3.5) along with 20 others including dynamics, electrostats, ribbons, hybrids, horns-STOP...I've had 'enough'; I'm getting off the merry-go-round now. I sold audio equipment at one point, been thru many systems, and many speakers, downgraded my equipment from a high of nearly 50K down to currently(if you only count one amp running, which I do) less than 8K - AND IT SOUNDS MORE MUSICAL THAN ANYTHING I HAVE EVER OWNED IN THE PAST.
I am currently, strongly considering the Sonus Faber Concertinos, ProAC 1SC (used), Epos M12, Quad 11L/12L, Harbeth HL-P3ES, various Spendors and Green Mountain Continuums.
You see, here in Charlotte NC I am in an Audio Wasteland.
Any help from the knowledgable music lovers, audio enthusiasts, audiophiles or audio gurus would be greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by joe_b

Since you already have a subwoofer, I would recommend auditioning the Spendor S3/5. The only limits of these speakers are that they cannot play loudly by themselves and they are inefficient so they will sound a little dull at low volumes. But aside from that, they will likely have the sound you are looking for.