recommend a good computer and digital camera?

What do people here use for computers and digital cameras? I need to upgrade for surfing the audio sites and put up photos for my audio gear, of course.
I heard Gateway has quality problems and Dell nickel and dimes you on options. So I was looking at Hewlett-Packard. Is Compaq any good? Any other good brands?
I've been using the throwaway Kodaks on vacations and as much as I hate to get on the camera upgrade bandwagon, blurry photos with NO depth of field is getting too annoying.
For cameras, I've always liked Nikon. J&R sells the 4 mega pixel Coolpix 4300 for $399.99. It takes 8 good pic's or 293 low res pic's. 3x optical zoom sounds useful. Any thoughts on better brands?
And please, only nice people need respond. (sorry, I couldn't resist).
Vinamese -

That's Pokeydammit who's the good horse. Gumby is just a green slant-headed boy with big eyes and no genitalia to speak of (no wonder he's pissed off!). Gunbei (Dean) is a good wait, that's Humpty Dumpty!! FerChrissake Dean, what the heck are you anyway?!

As fer' massage; if you really could not get up the next morning, (and I'm assuming you had not downed a pint of tequilla on the previous evening), then you either had a piss poor massage therapist, or you need to get your ass in better shape dude! Quit listening to that devil-music and get your butt out the door and get some excercise! At least that's what my wife tells me when I ask for a massage! :-D

Hey Vinamese,

I love massages! And I hear that you can get good ones in Little Vietnam in Westminster, CA just south of where I live. At least that's what my non-Vietnamese friends tell me.

Then again, my Vietnamese friends never seem to get massages either. They just like shooting guns, driving fast cars and going out with little White spinner rave chicks.

The gal that is in those Honda Pilot commercials gives me my massages. You know the commercials, the ones where the guy was raised by wolves.

Ya so good! ...Damn! look at my stomach. Uhhh. Yes, yes, excecise is the key. Can I just shout the word: "E-X-E-R-C-I-S-E" 5 times a day and be done with? LOL

Hey Gunbei,

You're talking about the Americanized kids? I'm an old fart, bro. LOL

Does the warm glow of the tubes promote hair growth on the Cary hairy suicide amp? If it does I have a few friends who want to strap it to the heads.

Laghed my ___ of when I read the post. Good one.