recommend a good computer and digital camera?

What do people here use for computers and digital cameras? I need to upgrade for surfing the audio sites and put up photos for my audio gear, of course.
I heard Gateway has quality problems and Dell nickel and dimes you on options. So I was looking at Hewlett-Packard. Is Compaq any good? Any other good brands?
I've been using the throwaway Kodaks on vacations and as much as I hate to get on the camera upgrade bandwagon, blurry photos with NO depth of field is getting too annoying.
For cameras, I've always liked Nikon. J&R sells the 4 mega pixel Coolpix 4300 for $399.99. It takes 8 good pic's or 293 low res pic's. 3x optical zoom sounds useful. Any thoughts on better brands?
And please, only nice people need respond. (sorry, I couldn't resist).

Showing 3 responses by ed_sawyer

Agreed, forget wintel boxes, get a Mac and be done with it. Anything else is a lesser choice at best.

canon S500 powershot is a very nice cam for reasonable money. For a bit more, I'd step up to the EOS rebel digital or the EOS 10D. (those make excellent sense if you have an investment in EOS 35mm gear, as they use the same lenses.)

"Being a Mac user is like being a Navy SEAL:
a small, elite group of people with access to
the most sophisticated technology in the world,
who everyone calls on to get the really tough
jobs done quickly and efficiently."
He can easily get an Emac or iMac for around $1000, that will kick a pc's ass, hands down, from every standpoint that matters.

initial cost is but one (small) part of total cost of ownership. Factor in downtime, hassles, virii, crashes, repairs, software, upgrades, frustration, etc. - all of which are much higher with a PC - and the Mac looks like an even bigger bargain than it already is!

Anything written for unix will be viable for a Mac (OS X), certainly more dev software out there for Unix than anything Wintel could ever dream about, IMHO.

"Fighting Back For the Mac - let's kick Intel's ass!" (anyone remember that slogan? ;-)