Recommend a cartridge for the new Technics 1200

I am going to order the new Technics SL1200G.  What  cartridge would you folks recommend?  I will be using the phone stage of my McIntosh MA7900 (MC loading of 50, 100, 200, 400, 1000).  The speakers are Focal Aria 936's.  I am not a fan of bright sounding equipment, but I do want good detail and soundstaging.  I would like to keep the cost for the cartridge under $2000.  I am drawn to the Soundsmith line because they can easily be retipped but I have never heard any of their cartridges. 
I have an upgrade (by KAB) Technics Sl1200 MK2 and I am using a ZYX Yatra.  The combination sounds wonderful.

Thanks for the suggestions.  I may get a Hana SL and use the rest of the budget for a used cartridge.

I will be using the phone stage of my McIntosh MA7900 (MC loading of 50, 100, 200, 400, 1000).... I am drawn to the Soundsmith line because they can easily be retipped but I have never heard any of their cartridges.

SoundSmith cartridges are Moving Iron, not Moving Coil, you don't need MC input for them.

If you are looking for NEW MC cartridges withing $2000 budget then Audio-Technica is a good choice.

But if you are fine with used cartridges then you can buy several top quality MM or MI from the 80s and i'm pretty sure they will be better than modern MC under $2000. Some of my rare vintage MM cartridges are better than $3000-5000 MC i have owned before. Buyin' several used cartridges within $2000 budget you can (at least) make your own decision what is the best for your system and your ears. Tryin' used cartridges you are not losing money when you sell them (which is impossible to do with new cartridges). 
See if the Audio Technica ART-9 is compatible with your arm. Its a great cartridge for $1100 from LP Tunes.  It performs WAY above its price point. Several members here, including myself, are using it ... and to a man, we love it.