Recommend a 20A power cord?

I am looking for a 20A power cord for my haven't decided power amp - probably a Jeff Rowland though.
My response does not address any qualitatve differences between the Jeff Rowland Model 10 and Model 8T. I was pointing out that the TAS reviewer suggested that the Model 8T greatly benefited from the use of CPCC's after-market power cord. If we accept that observation- then by extension other Rowland power amplifiers may similarly benefit. As an owner of a Model 10, I have found this to be the case. In my experience, CPCC's Model 11 (20AMP-IEC) power cord provided a significant performance upgrade. Please consult TAS Issue No. 121 (p. 123) for a review of Rowland's Model 8T.
linkster has it right. i was very impressed listening to his system, including the cpcc cords and nordost cable/ic's. a combination well worth auditioning.
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