Recommed a medium sized monitors that can go loud

I want to downsize my speakers from a floor stander (Acoustic Zen Adagios)to a "medium size" monitor or "MAYBE" a slim profile and light weight floor stander that can play loud, but also sound clean, transparent, and musical.

I have a Rogue integrated hybrid amp(100RMS) and a Ayre CX-7e mp CD player. So far, I have considered: KEF LS-50; Harbeth 30.1;.... Harbeth new SHL Super Plus( too expensive).... Monitor Audio Gold GX-100; Devore O/93 ( too expensive and possibly overrated) Scansonic MB-2.5; B&W's 804 or 805; KEF 300R; I can spend about $3000-3500 for used mint speakers, possibly a little more.

Please note: I saw two separate ads on Audiogon for KEF LS-50's that sold within a week; yet. I cannot believe that these speakers have any real bass or don't sound bright or lean..... Thank you.


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