Rechecking Cartridge Alignment

Had my Ortofon Cadenza Bronze installed 3 years ago and it has approximately 800 hours of playing time. Run it on a VPI Prime.

Question: When does it make sense, if at all, to have the alignment rechecked professionally?  I am not hearing anything problematic, but don't know what I don't know.


Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @dsockel  : Some gentlemans makes each " new " set up  around 3-4 months other every 6 months or one year, there is no rule about.


In your case, just do it.  There are not perfect tonearms and the cartridge suspension goes in deterioration over time as the stylus tip, only to name why you need that " new " set up.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
