Recently acquired a Oracle DelphiMKII need suggestions

Hi everyone I recently acquired a mint Oracle Delphi mk3 that was in storage in the past 30years. Greatest part I got it with an SME IV tonearm all in as a bundle for $1800 CAD. I currently have a used Dynavector XX2 MKII cartridge that needs a retip. Though I have a sale's guy telling me that the SME IV is a hard tone arm and table to match a cartridge hence why people mostly use Koetsu with them. I was thinking of just getting it retip or should a guy get a Benz glider. My biggest concern which gives more bass factor and definition, and in that case should I stick with the Dynavector.

 Second of all the phono preamp I have running through this is a Cary slp-98p with a all tube class A triode MM phono built in, through a Ortofon Verto SUT with 24db of gain and I'm thinking of getting a new SUT for the preamp to get the full performance of the xx2.
Should a guy get a bobs devices Sky 20 but with 26db of gain to get the full potential of the cartridge or the Ortofon ST-80 SE which my dealer recommend to me. I am currently on the budget for >$2000CAD for a SUT so I think Dynavector one is out of the question. What are your thoughts and experiences with SUT and carriages?
Please reread my note. Sell the DV and the SUT. I just replaced the same XXMKii with an Aida on an Oracle.
I have had it professionally serviced and set up at an oracle dealer and had bunch of upgrades and a new suspension kit installed. It sounds amazing with the current set up. though the cartridge needs a retip at the end of its life. Since bought it used for $300. Though I don't know a whole lot of oracle owners out there. And was just thinking of getting it rebuilt for$1100 to save some money. But can't help how much more would a guy have to spend to get the next level of performance of the XX2 mkII? And what cartridge would give it a run for its money? A Lyra Delos be a contender or Benz Glider? 

Congratulations! the first step is to optimize. Contact Oracle Audio in Quebec and get the Maintenance kit with the correct springs for the SME.  Carefully replace all the rubber and felt parts, the belt, and replace the oil in the bearing (flip the carbide pad to the fresh surface). If you are not capable to set up the Oracle, ask them to recommend a dealer..If the cartridge is not usable it can be rebuilt by Soundsmith or Andy Kim. But,
I would not recommend to replace the SUT. A better choice would be to ask Soundsmith to recommend a cartridge for your arm & preamp. My guess would be the Aida, with high output and medium compliance. The new Aida has an insert to permit setting the azimuth with an arm like the SME. Again, this will require careful setup which will yield bigger improvements than throwing money at equipment.