Receiver with preouts vs pre/pro

If you already have a separate multichannel amp and want to get a pre/pro with the latest in video and audio capabilities for a budget of around $500, is the best option a good HT receiver with preouts? The dedicated preamp/processors that I've seen seem to start at around $900 with Outlaw's offerings.

For the money, in the $500-ish range, is the best bang for the buck a good HT receiver from Yamaha, Denon, or Onkyo? (And then bypass the internal amplification section.) It seems as though the receivers are less expensive and have more video features and support more of the new HD audio and video.

Are there better alternatives for this price range, or does using the receivers for their preamp + processor sections represent a good value?

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Showing 2 responses by avguygeorge

Well I'm no rhodes scholar; (If my post was unclear.) BTW the best 3 years of my life was the time I spent in the second grade.
I own the Onkyo 875 and with the new audio codecs it sounds better than my previous 3k receiver; and this 875 was under a thou. I will lose 2k on the older model,at best. If I threw away the 875, I will only lose 1k.---THIS is what I was referring to.--- I, like many, use outboard amps and do 2ch on a much grander scale.
Truth be told most all the higher end receivers have had pre outs for years.
With the changes in the formats; better to buy an expensive receiver and change that out w/o loosing the money that folks lose on high end processors.---(Just to stay with the new connections and codecs.)