You definetly need an outboard amp. I bought a Rotel RSX-965 surround receiver in "99" and have tried Dennon, Yamaha,Anthem. I added a Rotel RMB-1075 5- channel amp to my reciever, and the sound was much better. I to am running B&W's all around, with a Pioneer DV-37 Elite DVD. You can get them for $600.00, on A-Gon. You have to remember, an amp is basically the same size as a reciever, and it just powers the speakers. As opposed to a reciever, houses all the electronics, plus an on board amp. Hope I helped?.
receiver or amp
my system:yamahaRXV1300-100watt,B&Wcdm7nt,cnt,snt,pioneer eliteDVD45A&8yr old cerwin vega sub. movies are ok but 2 chanel music not good.want to build nice system for ht&music.would like to stay with speakers. have been told to start with 2 chanel amp. any suggestions?budget 1500 for amp or receiver. will upgrade piece by piece.