Received my Wadia i170 transport today.

Just wondering if anyone else has received one? Impressions? I'll post my impressions in a few days.

Showing 2 responses by nglazer

I have had mine for about 3 weeks now. See my comments on July 1 thread. I am using a LessLoss PC (with adaptor to iTransport and a Kharma Grand Ref digicable from iTransport to Dodson 218 DAC. On CD's ripped in Apple Lossless format, it is very difficult to tell differnce from CD. I am chalking up any differences to different digicable (Stealth Sextet) and PC (Nordost Valhalla) running from my usual transport (CEC TL-1x) to DAC. Music downloads also sound very good.

I think the iTransport is a terrific product and would be worth 3-4x the price charged. I have had no trouble changing menus while iPod is in iTransport.

Other than the convenience and ease of use, excellent sound quality when played through a quality DAC, reasonable cost and avoidance of computers, which crash, become infected with viruses, worms, bots, etc., no, there is no advantage over a computer.
