Received my Wadia i170 transport today.

Just wondering if anyone else has received one? Impressions? I'll post my impressions in a few days.

Showing 1 response by gsherwood53

Wanted to add my experience with the iTransport and ask a couple questions.

Have had mine for a month and used it with my 80 Gb iPod. Compared the same music from a Marantz SA11S1 or sometimes a MF A5 CDP, with the iPod/iTransport, and finally with my HP PC (using iTunes) through a HagTech USB/SPDIF converter to a Benchmark DAC-1. Other gear: battery Dodd preamp; Pass Aleph J amp, and Merlin TSM-MMe monitors.

I have to admit...I am not sure I could tell the difference between the music of the Marantz CDP and the iTransport, if I were just casually listening. Switching back and forth with the same music playing, I could detect some difference (I THINK), but it wasn't much. I plan to continue this A/B (as it were) to get a better grasp on what may lack with the iPod.

I had used Apple Lossless when ripping...what do others recommend? I am also suspect about the USB and other cabling used with this source. The battery powered iTransport would be great. Any other comments?