Received my Wadia i170 transport today.

Just wondering if anyone else has received one? Impressions? I'll post my impressions in a few days.

Showing 4 responses by brianmgrarcom

does this transport support iphone?
I was told in the past it does, but have no experience.

I have been using my iTransport for about a week now and I am very pleased.
I have been enjoying my iTransport for two weeks now. For a DAC it is mated to a PS Audio Digital Link III with level 4 Cullen mods. When comparing to my CDP, I am able to level match the volume of each input on my preamp and I am using the same model interconnects. Neither I or a friend could tell which source was playing when switching back and forth, which can be done with a push of a button on my remote. The majority of my music is copied via Apple Lossless, I have copied some stuff lately in WAV format.
A better compare is using your CDP, either the Marantz or MF, as a transport connected to the DAC-1 and then comparing that to the 170iTransport/DAC-1.

How you chose to rip your files is a personal choice. There is so much debate about it and no single right answer. After researching it for myself, I chose to use Apple Lossless and have error correction on, which I would use error correction no matter what choice I used to rip.
