Received my Wadia i170 transport today.

Just wondering if anyone else has received one? Impressions? I'll post my impressions in a few days.

Showing 2 responses by bob99or

Reliable source says: The Wadia 170 iTransport is compatible with the iPhone as well as the iPod Touch. The reason that Wadia does not include this information is because the Wadia 170i Transport is not an official "Made for iPhone" product. Apparently some kind of licensing arrangement.
I received my Wadia iTransport yesterday and thought I’d give you my impressions. First of all, keep in mind that I’m new to all this audio stuff, so I not sporting the high quality audio gear you all seem to have. I have a very low budget starter system (Marantz SR3001 HT Receiver, Paradigm Studio 20 fronts, Paradigm Studio CC470 center, PDR10 subwoofer and Atom rears), using my iPhone. (I’m looking now at Rotel separate components to replace my Marantz and iPod Classic to replace my iPhone ... any thoughts?)

The iTransport is easy to set up, just plug in the digital connection, power and was playing music in just a few minutes. One note on using an iPhone, it has to set to Airplane Mode “on” to work.

The sound quality was about CD quality. It seems that a CD my be slightly better, sounding just a little fuller, slightly more refined. I’m sure the sound quality could be improved with better components. Anyway, the benefits of having an entire CD collection at my fingertip far outweigh the slight quality loss. Also, creating custom playlists, etc. So, is the iTransport would the $379.00 price tag? I’d say yes.