Recapping Krell FPB-Monoblocks - Need Advice

I have a flawless pair of original Krell FPB-350m’s I purchased from the original owner several years ago local to me. I am kind of on the fence as what to do, They definitely need a recap as one of them is heating up now and shuts off after 25-30 minutes. I’m debating recapping with upgrades or selling them as is and trying out Parasound JC-1’s or a Pass Labs X250.8. If I do recap them is there anyone in the western United States that can work on them? Krell is back east and wants $1300 per amp and I would have to pay shipping across the country. That would cost me around 3k. That seems quite high for a recap. Is there a dramatic difference sound wise when having these old amps rebuilt with modern caps?  If I do sell them as is what could I roughly expect to get out of them. I am clueless As to what they are worth? My system consist of Egglestonworks Andra II speakers and a AYRE K-1XE preamp. Any advice would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by gareneau

To those who have had their FPBs recapped, is there a noticeable upgrade in sound quality? Some of the comments on Stephen's website indicate a dramatic improvement can be expected.