Rec a 300B for Wavelength Cardinal Monoblocks

I am looking for recommendations for 300B tube choices for my Wavelength Cardinal Monoblock amps. My speakers are the Auditorium-23 Solovox and the preamp is a Shindo Masseto. I know that I will eventually get a Shindo amplifier, but for now I am intrigued by the prospect of learning how much better the Cardinals can sound with other tubes. Also, there is the very real possibility that I would keep the Cardinals and alternate them with the future Shindo amp, assuming the Shindo amp does not use 300B's. Thanks in advance for all guidance!
Best Regards,

Showing 2 responses by abill

I have a Wavelength Triton Blue NCE and I use Western Electric 300B's, I bought them in 2000 and they still sound good.
I also have Treasure 330B's and they are ok for the money but not as good as WE.

If you get a recommendation from Gordon please post it , I was thinking about trying another 300b tube
I have not found a tube I like better in the Wavelength than WE.

I have also tried
Sophia RP - edges too soft.

I am thinking of trying the Elrog when available.

a sleeper tube that is good in my Wavelength is Shuguang 300BS for about $200.Make sure it's the 300BS.It looks like a mesh plate with a black coating.I got mine 4 years ago and I don't know if they are still available.

Has tighter edges and closer to stage than Treasure 300B.
The Treasure has a little more bass and farther from stage