Rebuilding ESS AMT series crossover.

I've read enough here to understand that my crossover network is past due for maintenance. They are powered by a B&K Reference 200.2, and the preamp is an Onkyo SR701. I've already replaced the diaphragms and woofer (impedance matched). The speakers are an early release with there only being a single 10" woofer, and it is ported. I am hoping to find a schematic and recommendations for the C & L components. I appreciate any help since I've just discovered this resource. Thank you, Bud

Showing 1 response by orpheus10

I am currently using a ESS Heil tweeter in a 3 way. I just upgraded the capacitors in the tweeter leg to Jantzen superior series Z capacitors and now I have the most fantastic tweeter I have ever heard. Although I have had this tweeter for at least 20 yrs, it did not take on this incredible sound until I added the new capacitors.