Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used

While this topic has been covered before, I'm interested in both recent experiences with new products or anyone who just would like to chime in.

I have a couple friends interested in tube amps, lower wattage -- 40 wpc or below. Before they pull the trigger there, they need to find the best higher sensitivity speakers they can, hopefully at $2k or below, new or used.

QUESTION: What high sensitivity speakers would you recommend to them, new or used? What did you try and NOT like?
Characterizations of their sound, experience with a trial period, the company, etc. appreciated.

I'll pass the best answers and links along to them.

Showing 2 responses by missioncoonery

"Tekton but don’t return them or you’ll regret it. The owner is a prick and doesn’t care what nice you decide to return".....seems the flavor of the month in low fi speakers is finally getting exposed as the junk they really are along with their bs send em back you pay big bucks policy.
Ecterrel...."We get it guy. You hate Tektons as much as 99.9% of people like them.
You can go on about return policy’s and cheap boxes all you want but you can’t explain away their HiFi awards and huge demand."......Im sorry i didnt realize that 99.9% of the audio community like Tekton and im in the .1% and i seem to have missed all the awards the products have received, my mistake ....but until the tekton clown posse stops trying to shoving this down our throats the .1% will speak out bs..enjoy em