Reasonable moving coil cartridge

I am looking to purchase a Music Hall 1.5 TT. The selling point being a removable headshell. 

That being said, i am looking for a reasonably priced moving coil cartridge to use on the MH. My preamp is the Bryston 1B- MC. I am not looking to refinance my house. Something in the neighborhood of $200-300 USD. I dont need to worry about a moving coil amplifier as the MC comes with one built in.


Showing 1 response by mikethehunterguy

My advice. 
Get the Soundsmith Otello. This guy knows how to build a cartridge! You get US made hand built for mass market price!
If you want another high value cartridge and don't care about US made, get the AT740ML or AT750SH. I can testify that are very good. 
I wouldn't bother with an MC cartridge at this price point. Don't get hung up on architecture.  Just SQ for the $$$