Reasonable but not outragious interconnects


Can you all please give me some recommendations on rca interconnects lets say in the $50-$75 per pair range for 3’? 

I have the new b&w 804 d3’s, Classe amp and Marantz pre amp. I’m not looking for $200/ft cables. Just something decent and reasonable. I know a lot of people on this forum go super expensive. I will admit I am running monoprice cables on it now and it sounds really good but I think I could get the little bit more out of this system with better. 


Showing 2 responses by rhinocom

I started out with Monoprice interconnects. My system sounded fine or so I thought. I was a newbie to the concept of cables and power cords and power conditions making a difference. But I took a leap of faith and Invested some money in, initially Shunyata cables, power cords and power conditioners/strips. What I can tell you is that you don’t know what you are missing in your system’s potential until you switch out those monoprice cables for better ones. I suggest biting the bullet and go beyond your price parameters if you can. Your system will grow into your better ones. If you don’t go to the likes of Shunyata, Cardas and upper end Audioquest yet (but I recommend that you do. You will hear a difference) you can try bluejeans or Surf Cable or others. Everything makes a difference. But while you are changing out interconnects, I suggest you also make upgrades on the power end. Get an AQ 1000 or a Shnuyata PS8 with Defender. Get some good AQ or Shunyata power cables.  You will like what you hear and what you don’t hear. 
I understand there is a lot of skepticism about the value of cables and power supplies. I think one has to use common sense, as well. If your listening room is next to a construction site, cables are not your problem. It also does not make sense to put cables on equipment where the cable are worth more than the equipment. But in my experience, high quality cables and power handling do make a material difference in your sound in general if you have a decent room with decent enough equipment to take advantage of your upgraded cables and power handling. If you are skeptical. Start slow. Get Shunyata Venoms or get AQ NRG line cables. Get an AQ 1000 or a Shunyata PS8. You can buy all these things used and below retail here on Audiogon and elsewhere on the used online market. Try it. You like it? Great upgrade and sell your starter stuff. Don’t like it? Great. Sell your below retail starter stuff back on the used market. No biggie.  But I think if you have a decent room, decent music material, and decent equipment, you should hear an improvement. I personally have heard blacker backgrounds and better soundstage, amongst other improvements. Enjoy!