really inexpensive power cords

OK, so I was right on the brink of buying a couple of PS Preludes (at the currently reduced price), but then reading through several posts on this site deterred me. Stories of dullness, sucking the life from the system, etc. etc.

So what I see is this.

Audioquest NRG-2
Furutech G320Ag18
Shunyata Venon
Tara Labs Prism AC
Wireworld Stratus 5(2)

It makes no sense to spend $$$ as this is for a secondary system (Musical Fidelity, Creek, B&W). But buying used cables carrying mains electricity doesn't appeal very much.

Thoughts, recommendations, ratings, experiences, etc.....

Showing 2 responses by driver

Why do you want to upgrade the PC's in your second system?
Do you listen critically or just for background music? If for background, buy some music instead. If you're going to do some critical listening, start w/some DIY, using Chris VH or Bob Crump recipes, then see if you want to head further down the road. You can even do something like get upgraded AC ends and use Carol cable for an improvement over stock. It takes a little experimenting w/your system to see if it's a viable option.

Don't forget the basics before you start on a PC quest. Make sure your room is optimized w/regards to spkr placement and taming reflections.

Also, even if you don't upgrade your PC's, I would suggest swapping out your AC outlets for something else. Pretty much any upgrade in this area will make a difference & you don't need to spend big bucks to hear a change. My favorites are Oyaide and Furutech. Look at the VH Audio website for more details.
Cables, like gear itself, is system dependent and more importantly, something that you need to decide upon for yourself.

As for your initial query on those specific PC's, please don't read anything into what wasn't said. Most people aren't going to comment if they haven't had those specific cords. Personally, I use mostly Cardas PC's plus some Chris VH DIY cables. I had at least 75 different cables in my system before I settled on something & since then have switched out maybe another 10 or so. Maybe you'll get it right the first time but more than likely it'll take some experimenting.

You can always try the Cable Co. to audition cables w/o buying & selling a bunch. Check them out at here

I do want to reiterate what I said before about how you're going to use this 2nd system. A good friend of mine has two systems, and although each one of them could be considered a main system, one is definitely a 2nd system. Since they evolved into analog & digital system, the 2nd system was totally tweaked out w/not only cable upgrades, but dedicated lines, upgraded outlets & room treatments. If you're going that route, then by all means explore all the possibilities. If you want to upgrade because the price is good, which is what I got from your initial post, then stick to your guns & explore the budget end of the spectrum. There are some good offerings out there-you just have to do some homework outside of this site.