Real world life expectancy of a high end cartridge?

While I know they’re supposed to last 1000 hours how many make it all that way?  

Question prompted by my brushing a knuckle on my AS Palladian this afternoon and trashing it ... lesson learned not to try tonearm adjustments without full access to the table (normally I move the table off the wall shelf to a more convenient location to make adjustments, but not this time 😬)

And doesn’t it just happen that the cost of a recipe/trade is exactly my deductible so even insurance is no help 😲

Anyway just needed to vent ... but anyone playing with these expensive baubles better be prepared to reup on a replacement at any moment 🤪

Showing 6 responses by uberwaltz

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink!.......
Probably a good idea if I check what I use BEFORE posting not after... Doh.

I am and have been using Lyra SPT not Last products for my stylus treatment.

I DO use Last for tape head treatment though.
I think the only thing we demonstrated is your touchiness on the

TBH Freon is a bad term to use anyway as I think you realise with the description in one of your posts.

"The term "freon" is a common descriptor or proprietary eponym (similar to a generic trademark) like "xerox" or "kleenex." It is commonly used when referring to any fluorocarbon refrigerants. "

Yes Wikipedia is a wonderful source...….

Note to self, must try harder!

I would say that sounds about right.
My first bottle is maybe just over half empty and likely bought a pair of bottles about 6 years ago or so.
And I am not as diligent about applying it every side as I should be.

Great laugh.
Oh sorry that would be nitrous oxide....
Great method Elizabeth.
I wish I was that dedicated!

Honestly I can say I am clueless on how many hours on my carts.
I do have 3 right now for main table and tend to rotate them around so hopefully get decent mileage.

Also have been using Stylast for ages, I bought 2 bottles and still nowhere near empty on first bottle!