Real world life expectancy of a high end cartridge?

While I know they’re supposed to last 1000 hours how many make it all that way?  

Question prompted by my brushing a knuckle on my AS Palladian this afternoon and trashing it ... lesson learned not to try tonearm adjustments without full access to the table (normally I move the table off the wall shelf to a more convenient location to make adjustments, but not this time 😬)

And doesn’t it just happen that the cost of a recipe/trade is exactly my deductible so even insurance is no help 😲

Anyway just needed to vent ... but anyone playing with these expensive baubles better be prepared to reup on a replacement at any moment 🤪

Showing 1 response by normansizemore

Wow, I simply just replace the stylus when I notice it doesn’t sound right. Usually a year maybe two?  My favorite is the ancient Nagaoka MP11 Boron.  Love the fact that I can switch between elliptical, and conical depending on what I am playing.  

A few years ago I re-tipped my 1966 Denon 103 for the first time.  I must say that after the re-tipping I noticed absolutely not one bit of difference.  My Decca Red still has it’s original stylus and sounds fantastic.

Most of my cartridges are from the 70’s and 80’s and most still have their original stylus.  I never thought of counting playing time, I just simply listen.  Works for me.