Real Stinkers

There was a recent thread about consecutive great albums by your favorite artists. How about turning it on it's head? What is the WORST album by your FAVORITE artist. The one where they REALLY stunk up the joint? The one that it pained you to listen to? The one where everybody went "What were they thinking?"

I'll start off, at the risk of picking a fight - Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboys by Elton John. Except for "Someone Saved My Life Tonight", I never really cared for the rest of the album.

Showing 1 response by gkella

I love this thread..thanks..
Anything released by The Rolling Stones after Tattoo You.
As for Bela Fleck.. I have all his Flecktone, collaboration and solo stuff.
I love it all.
Although I have to admit the Flecktones were hard pressed to come up with something different.
I liked Left Of Cool nad Outbound.
The Hidden Land bored me.
Check out the 3 CD set.. Little Worlds... it is a masterpiece, especially Disc 3.
to continue...
Elvis Costello.. North
The Eagles.. Road Out of Eden or whatever that disaster was called.
They sounded like the friggin Backstreet Boys!!!
Lucinda Williams..both West and Little Honey
Come on..Lucinda!! you can do better.
Anthing by Chicago after Chicago II.
Keep em coming..Glen