Ready to pull the trigger on a DD turntable: Technics SL-1210GR or Pioneer PLX1000???

I had the Technics SL-1210GR in the shopping cart, and had my credit card out.  Then I thought I'd take a look at Agon forums and see what people were saying.  I saw a lot of good reviews on the Technics, but people really liked the Pioneer too, and it's less than half the price!

Either way I went, I was going to match them up with an Ortofon 2M Bronze or Black.  Whatever cart I select, it will be plugged into a fully restored Marantz 7c, or an Audio Research SP-9.

Now, I appreciate belt drive turntables.  In another life, I was a factory rep for Thorens and B&O.  I made my living in the late '70s by bashing Japanese direct drive turntables. I myself have a beautiful Thorens TD-160.   It's over 40 years old, and now my preferences have changed.  I like torque, running a dust brush without the table slowing down.  I like the instant startup.  I think "s" shaped tonearms, speed strobes, and cuing lights are sexy.  And "good" direct drive tables sound good to me.

So what do you think?  I can easily afford to buy either turntable.  I gotta say if you go to the Technics website, they have a very impressive pitch on the 1200 series being hand built by Japanese craftsmen.  Pretty cool story.  But that may not add up to it sounding any better than the Pioneer.  I'm still a bit of a value shopper.  

On the low end, I could do a Pioneer 1000 /Ortofon Bronze combo for $1140, or the full meal deal Technics with Bronze or Black for $2,040-$2300.   Will there be a big pop in performance??  


Showing 3 responses by tweak48

Since Technics are back with a new DD motor there is no competition, it is reasonable to pay more for GR if this is the question.
Yes.  That was the question.  Thank you for the answer.  
Technics!Not a fan of the Ortofon Black though it seems like everyone else likes them.

I'm open to suggestions.  I'm just not spooled up on carts these days, so default to Ortofon because I was also the factory guy for them (and all Harman lines) at that time.  

And Technics was out of business at the time when Pioneer jumped in and made those turntables, they are not bad when you compare to OLD Technics SL1200/1210, but please stop living in illusion that you can compare Pioneer to the BRAND NEW Technics with coreless motor like G or GR series, because those models are not cheap, they are made for critical listeners (not for djs).

Wow great write up!  Very informative.  For all the reasons you pointed out, I ordered a SL-1210GR last night.  And I'm confident it was the right decision.  

But, I gotta say, if I was shopping in the sub-$800 turntable market, the PLX-1000 would be at the top of my list.  The product information sheet is very impressive.

Now, I'll defer to the turntable experts on this forum, but compared to some of the so called "audiophile" turntables I see being marketed with MDF plinths, and low voltage, low current, wall wort power supplies, built in preamps and USB ports, the PLX-1000 (to me) looks like more of a serious product and like one hell of a value.

And who gives a damn if Pioneer reverse engineered the SL1200 mkII?  That was a pretty high standard.  As a hi-fi salesman while in college, i sold the living hell out SL1200s.  All to hi-fi guys.  The disco scene just wasn't a big thing in where I lived in 1973.  But hifi was.  And all my buddys had a nice stereo.  

But I know I'm a bit of a contrarian, so the SL-1210GR will suit me just fine.  Great thread.  Thanks to everyone.