Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?

He raved about the Hurricane in the latest TAS.
Anyone with long term experience care to comment?
Will this thing drive Magneplanar Tympanis?

My Levinson is still being serviced and I am sick of waiting!
It's heartwarming to know that in this digital age, the power of the press is not dead yet...
I hope for some folks' sake that this amp is as good as Mr. Pearson says it is (this month).
In case I was not clear the round knob is turned as you bias each KT88 with the 8 set screws so as to allow the digital readout for each individual tube.
Correct- The 8 set screws are on the side. Round knob is used to rotor through the digital meter readout for each of the 8 tubes.Enjoy it. A great amp.
Jkaway and Judesonis.....thanks for the update....keep us all posted! I am still waiting for mine (NYC) but will report back to all of you of my experience after I receive them. Thanks for the update on the biasing.
From the picture of the amp, it looks like the set screws are on the side....correct? It does look easy....even for a person (no tech) like me!!
One comment in passing from that review was that the generic Chinese KT88 s were more than ok and swapping them out was unnecessary. My ASL MGSI 15DT uses these-- first thing I did when I got the amp was buy new JJ/Tesla KT88s, Tomorrow I'll put the Chinese tubes back in and see what they sound like, BTW just put in Kimber Hero I/C with this amp and what a difference!
Bias takes a little time as the 16 (8 per side) set screws are somewhat sensitive to slight movement to reach 485. Front meter makes it relatively easy to reach 485 RANGE. 10 minutes tops unless you are completely anal- then occasionally bias until unit breaks in and bias settles.
I read the article and it seemed that it was somewhat tricky to bias and set up. Any comments on this?
Judesonic....Good show...ENJOY! I am waiting for mine....
Did you have a difficult time in biasing them?
Go look at and look under the recommended amplifiers and you will see another view on these amps. Seems like even if Harry might have got a wee bit excited on this one, he has some justification.
I have just received my ASL Hurricane monos and they are an unbelievable combination with the Pipedreams speakers I am using. The ASL's replace a much more expensive amplifier.
I must say....I truly believe that HP has nothing to do with this (or any other) company. I have seen and read great reviews from him on products from companies like ARC or Infinity praising a product. Then he will come back later to give a less then stellar review on another product from the same company.
I believe that HP offers to us a candid and honest review of audio products in a most interesting manor. HP posses, IMHO, a great memory, good ears, and a great ability to communicate his thoughts and opinions to paper.

I think Cwlondon is on to something - HP must own a part of all the companies that receive rave reviews. I just don't understand why he picks stock in such small companies rather than some of the very few Hi-End companies with substantial value like Krell ,Levinson, Wilson or Martin Logan. As ASL dealers last time we checked with our Antique Sound Lab distributor he was unaware of this connection. We heard the Hurricane monos at CES and promptly ordered 6 pairs-and and we have 3 pair of Hurricanes and two pair of ASL Tulip's arriving next week.The Hurricanes are a world class bargain.
Does anyone know what is the percentage of equity in this company that HP owns?
Rwd, you are a braver man than me. I have no doubts you will be thrilled. Please write a review of these amps. It would be great to see you start from day one till fully broke in. Hope to hear more from you as I am sure many others are too.

Congratulations! I hope they are everything that HP said they are and more. Looking forward hearing back from you.
Harry says, in his article, that this is a very simple design (tube). However, it captures the realism of the live orchestra or sound better then anything else.. "The images just appear in space"...."you can hear the ""air"" on the soundstage opening up"....."the retrieval of elusive ambient cues is part of this amplifier's ability to reach well down into the softest part of the recorded range and extract information I didn't know was there"

Only some comments. I don't want to infringe on a copyright so I'll end there, however, Mejames, you should get a copy of the mag (issue 140) and read the review yourself.
As I said, the only reason I went out to order this is the review by HP (I agree with most of what he says) and the ridiculous price for the wattage!
by Rwd
yes 200 watts is about enough the VTL 450 working in triode is enough power for the Genesis 201 speakers.
Hi Mejames......I will do so tomorrow, however, I believe you have the Genesis 200 and from what I understand the 200 watts will work wonderful with Arnies drivers.
Hi 914nut......Yes the wait is at least one month. I ordered on set from Lyric Hi-Fi in NYC. They were recommended to me by the distributor in Canada. I happen to know the store (Lyric) and I believe that they would get one of the very first shipments since they are quite reputable. Let's see who else answers this thread?

Rick-- I might just do the same thing, and keep my Bryston 7B-STs until...

Are the orders that backed up that there is a waiting list
of a month or so? We just missed a pair on the classifieds that went for $2950, but you probably already knew this.

If I buy the Hurricane, it'll be my first tube amp in about 40 years! People (including HP!) keep telling me that's what I need to take the annoying edge off of CDs. We'll see.

BTW---I found the previous threads and came away as confused as before. I guess, as the Brits say, you just have to "suck it and see"! Lots of wannabee experts around.
I was always interested in a higher powered tube amp to drive my Infinity RS 1-B's mid's and tweeters. I was considering the ARC VT200, VTL 450 etc...but all were used and around 4-5K. I have read and followed HP's recommendations and, although I have not always agreed with him, I have appreciated his writings and recommendations. Therefore, site unseen....I ordered an ASL Hurricane this weekend. I t should be in in 4-5 weeks. I will keep my ARC VT 100 mkll as back-up and report to you all about this amp.

There was a post already about this a week ago or so. Check the archives for instant replies. Arthur