Re-wire of speakers to get more Warmth and resolve across the band


Looking to re-wire my speakers, they currently have simple 16 gauge black/red copper wiring. 

I am looking for a warmer more revealing sound across the board. It has plenty of dynamics and the bass region sounds good to my ears.

Should I go with a high gauge/ grade copper? Go with something like the Furutech or Kimber offerings in bulk?

These are Tekton Pendragons.
Hm yes oxygen free copper. The longer the cable the thicker it should be. Not worth spending 500$+ ) i use audio quest x-2 . Had those fancy mit cables. Did not notice any difference. Sold. I like semis solid. Don’t expect major difference, new reviels. It’s not how u achieve significant sound imporovement. Lots of scientology in wiring, biwiring.
Never knew that about Scientology. Did Leah Remini expose that on her TV show?

re-wire inside the cabinet?

or just change the cables to the speakers?

what are they?

"warmth" is a euphonically elevated mid-range, often associated with tube amps or pre-amps

mea culpa, I like my ARC LS25