RE: Suggestions for Tidal Streaming problems caused by Internet Connection Problems

During the last several months, my Tidal Streaming service sometimes stopped playing for a few seconds and then started again.  In addition, sometimes, my Internet connection completed stopped working while listening to a Tidal album.  I re-booted my modem and router and everything worked but the Internet connection continued to sometimes drop.  It was driving me crazy.

On Saturday, I completely LOST my Internet connection on my MAC Computer.  I re-booted everything (twice) and still no Internet connection.  I called my Internet Service Provider (ISP) and they said the cable signal strength coming into my modem was incorrect (out of range) and scheduled a Maintenance Tech (Senior level, outside person) Service Call.  This is not the ISP normal service call.

The ISP Maintenance Tech arrived on Sunday and adjusted the signal strength for all their switching components carrying the cable signal to my home.  He then replaced the outside cable junction box (underground) for my neighborhood (3 homes including mine) since it was old and corroded.   He then replaced all the coaxial connector plugs on the cable from my wall plug to my modem and also replaced all the coaxial connector plugs in my outside cable box.   He noticed some of the wires were not straight so he rearranged the wires in my configuration both inside and outside.  Some additional adjustments were required on the outside cable junction box (fine tuning to get the require signal strength).  He was excellent and answered my questions on my configuration.  

When all of the above was done, he tested both the outside cable junction box and the inside signal strength to ensure all cable signals were in the required range (they were).   He then ran a speed test to confirm my upload and download speeds were correct (they were).  He made some additional minor cable and tuning adjustments and now everything is working fine.  He said if the cable signal strength is too high, or low, it will cause the Internet connection to drop its signal.  It has to be in its assigned required range.  

If you are experiencing Internet connection problems, the FIRST step to turn the power off your router, modem (take out the battery, if present) and remove the cable connection from the wall for 3 minutes.  To re-start, plug the coaxial cable back into the wall FIRST and turn on the power for all your devices.  This should solve most problems, but, if not, repeat these steps. You should also ensure the software in your router is current.  

If you are still experiencing Internet connectivity issues, you might need to call your ISP for assistance.  If needed, you might ask the Customer Support person to check the cable signal strength coming into your modem to help troubleshoot the issue. 

I probably should have called my ISP sooner but my Internet connectivity problems happened infrequently.   I was very lucky to have a very experienced ISP Technical person who knew exactly what was needed both inside and outside.   I hope this helps.

Showing 2 responses by panda000

I am experiencing the streaming issue after upgrading my N10 recently.  I have contacted Aurender support and they admitted the issue. But interesting, they asked me to try Tidal app direct. Unfortunately, the Tidal app is not working well too. It takes a long time to wait for the streaming.

I am really frustrated and considering to switch to Spotify.
@hgeifman thank for your advice. But I have no issue with other streaming services like youtube, Apple TV that require higher bandwidth. To tackle the tidal issue, I have changed the router dns to google open dns, and setup QoS to give higher priority for N10. So far just experienced 1-2 seconds drop out. I also suspected this issue is related to recent aurender upgrade as I did not encountered drop out before that.
also, I think I would try Spotify too.