Re: streaming recommendations for newbie


I'd like to finally enter the streaming world with my hifi system and am looking for recommendations.  I have streaming music in my car and on my computer, but I can't currently access any streaming services on my hifi system because I have tube gear and neither it nor my old backup gear have streaming capacity or a DAC (other than the CD player).  

 I guess that I need to buy both a streamer and a DAC?  I now have a pretty decent hifi system, but I want start out with modest priced streaming gear.    

Can anyone recommend a streamer & DAC, or unit that does both?  Does it make sense to put more $$ in a DAC or in a steamer?  Not sure about budget, but I'm thinking $500-1000 used for both as a starting point. Thank you.



Showing 3 responses by gkelly

@anotherbob Go to Vegas and you will. A nickel bet is commonly referred to as $500. 
@brottdwayne can’t tell you if a blue sound will make any difference than your Marantz,  But I can tell you that A Innuos PULSE mini made one of the biggest upgrades to my system. This replaced my HEOS streaming from my Marantz SR5015. Getting a good quality streamer to begin with sets you on the correct path.  

It is a nickel over your asking price, but might I suggest a Innuos Pulsemini. Looking over your responses to past threads suggest that you really have some nice equipment. This will lend well to that.


@elliottbnewcombjr I have a purple and gold synergistic research, carbon tuning disks that I suppose you could win as a booby prize for being right.

Otherwise, like I said, the OP seems to have some really nice equipment and a quality streamer is only going to lend itself to the synergy of their system.