Re Building a power Amplifier

I  had a Metaxas Solitaire power amp in for repair.
Unfortunately the technician has advised me significant damage has occurred , but he was not prepared to conduct repairs , because other repairers have made out of spec repairs , and he is not prepared to work on other peoples mistakes.
OK fair enough.
He suggested, I sell it to anybody that may want it as a basis for a project. 
I am thinking of removing the PCB and replacing all the output transistors , capacitors and all other components on the PCB.
Any repairs to damaged traces I can conduct once the PCB is clear and cleaned.
My soldering skills  are adequate , but i don't have clue how to bias the transistors! or any other issues that may arise.
Is this project a "bridge too far" for a novice or should I just have a go?


Showing 1 response by gs5556

Without a schematic and bench test equipment (scope, spectrum analyzer, DMM, signal generator, power supplies, dummy loads, etc) you would be facing quite the challenge.