RCA switch / 2 in 1 out or 4 in, 1 out.

I recently acquired a gently used Oppo BDP105, which I have running through a Marantz 2238B using RCA cables. I have the yellow video RCA cable going directly into the TV monitor, with the red and white audio cables going into the Marantz via the Tape 2 input.

I just got a used Denon DCD800, which I want to use to lessen the burden on the Oppo unit, since 95% of what I play are basic audio CDs.

I don’t have another available input on the Marantz -- I have a turntable hooked up to the Phono input, and my TV is being run through the Aux input. I am not running any gaming consoles, etc. Just TV and home audio.

I am looking for an RCA switch where I can hook up both the Oppo and the Denon units into the switch and then go out of the switch and into the Tape 2 input on the Marantz. If I want to add any additional components in the future, like a LD or DAT player, then I would probably want the 4-in-to-1-out version.

I have seen different versions of these switchers. There seem to be cheaper versions designed for game consoles and DVD players that cost in the $20-25 range and have the yellow RCA video plug. Then there are others that seem marketed toward Audio enthusiasts that are audio only and sell for closer to the $90 range.

Is there any difference as far as signal loss, etc. with the cheaper ones designed for gaming consoles and DVD players, as opposed to one like this:


Of course, I would be willing to spend the extra $70 if it means better sound. However, I don’t know whether this is simply a marketing ploy at work. I just don’t want to get taken advantage of because I am in an older, richer demographic than the typical gamer.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
BTW-AL, I appreciate the response.  You are almost always correct!  See, you can teach an old dog new tricks.
Buy a pair of Y cables.
If as it appears you mean connecting the outputs of both players to the receiver's tape2 inputs via a y-cable on each channel I would strongly recommend against that, since doing so would short the outputs of the two players together.

Even if the two players are never on at the same time that could very conceivably be unhealthy for them in the long term, depending on the specific designs, and/or degrade sonics.  It's rarely a good idea to short the outputs of two components together.

-- Al

Honestly, the quality of what you are doing won't suffer with some more compromises.  Buy a pair of Y cables.
I doubt that anyone here has performed a direct comparison between the two kinds of alternatives you cited, and even if someone has the results could very well be different in their system compared to yours. And from a technical standpoint I don’t see a basis for making a prediction.

FWIW my only experience with a line-level switchbox is with the DB Systems model DBP-2JAU/5 ($110) listed near the top of this page, with which I had fine results when I was using it some years ago.  It is similar to the DBP-2J/5 for which a review and description are linked to, except that it has gold-plated jacks. Contact information is on their home page. The one slight caveat I would mention with that switchbox is that if you attach heavy cables to it their weight might cause its front to rise a bit.

Also FWIW I’ve seen very favorable comments here about the Decware Zen Switchbox, but it costs $359 plus options.

So prices on these things are all over the map, and IMO it’s anyone’s guess as to how much of an investment in one would be worthwhile in your particular system.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al