I am interested in purchasing a cd player with balanced only outputs. Everything else in my system is RCA inputs and outputs. Is there anyone running cables from a balanced output to RCA input. What are my options? Is there a cable you can recommend in the $100 to $300 range?
Isn't that RCA outputs put out 2.2 volts and balanced put out 4 volts?
The 4 volts in that situation refers to the DIFFERENCE in voltage between the two signals of the balanced signal pair (under maximum signal conditions), that difference being what a balanced input circuit in the destination component would respond to. Each of the two balanced signals in that situation individually has a maximum amplitude of 2 volts. Since the two signals are inverted relative to each other, when one of the signals is at +2 volts the other will be at -2 volts, and vice versa, corresponding to a difference of 4 volts.

The adapter will result in only one of the two signals being conveyed to the RCA input of the destination component, so that input will see only 2 volts.

-- Al
I don't understand why you would want to buy a balanced only CD player if every thing else in your system is RCA?
I am not aware of any player having balanced outputs that does not also have RCA (unbalanced outputs). There is no advantage to having a balanced putput and changing it to unbalanced with an adapter.
Just made comparison between RCA and balanced outputs on my new CD player. More dynamics coming from the Balanced output. Sound was much brighter and clearer; you can hear the difference right away! I just used very basic cables I got from a local music store up here in Barrie but I could tell the difference immediately.
I followed Almarg's advice in taking 18' balanced lines through unbalanced equalizers just before the amps using Jensen ISO MAX transformers that terminate at the amps with RCA to XLR cables. That termination turns out to be important.

In my setup using XLR to RCA adapters resulted in audible sizzle.
