RB300 maintainance...

I noticed that on the most inner grooves especially on the extra long-playing records where the grooves come as close as possible to the record label that the sound greatly degrades and becomes too mushy and undetailed. It happens approximately 1.6" apart from record label. Before that the degradation seems to be unaudiable. The very beginning of the playable surface seems to be even too bright, but that's I believe an issue of a load impedance and can be easily resolved.
I checked the cartridge allignement and it seems to be at its maximum precision.
I assume that tonearm moves heavier towards the inner grooves and needs some attention.
Please help me out. My analogue setup is J.A.Michell GyroSE/Incognito-RB300/Lyra Helikon(Benz M.09 as backing up)


Showing 2 responses by edle

I think you need a set of Denessen Cartridge Protractor to porperly set-up your tonearm/cartridge.
Do you have the same problem with the Benz cartridge?
Now we knew the problem didn't caused by the cartridges.
I don't think the problem is relating to the anti-skate, cable or anything.
I'm sure the problem is caused by the misalignment of the cartridge or even the arm was mounted incorrectly(I mean the position) or both.
Does this problem happens to one particular record or it happens to all your records?
Try to put the cartridge at the end of the record. Is the cartridge parallel to the groove? Now try to put the cartridge at the beginning of the record. Is it parallel to the groove again? For a properly align cartridge, the cartridge is always parallel to the inner edge(the end) and the outer edge(the beginning) of the groove.

As I sugguested before, you need a Denessen Cartridge protractor to properly align the cartridge and arm.