Ravi Shankar passes.


Raga virtuoso Ravi Shankar has passed on. His music changed the way a lot of other musicians thought of composition (think the Beatles and Stones).He also fathered some very talented children.

Showing 1 response by ivan_nosnibor

Yes, my thanks for your comments as well Kijanki. Came across
Ravi in the late 60's and have been buying his music off and
on ever since, many of those are still among my most deeply
favored discs. I find his passing, inevitable as it was, has
still caught me off guard. Maybe it was the sheer magnitude of
his output down through the decades that lent toward creating
the illusion in the back of my mind that he was truly
tireless, almost as if he might somehow manage to be around
forever, still continuing to do what he loved. But, at least
the world still has that gi-normous musical heritage he has
had that he leaves behind, the ripple effects of which will no
doubt be (deeply) felt and appreciated for quite some time.
May he rest in peace, through his music he has offered the
world plenty of it while he was here.