Ravi Shankar passes.


Raga virtuoso Ravi Shankar has passed on. His music changed the way a lot of other musicians thought of composition (think the Beatles and Stones).He also fathered some very talented children.

Showing 2 responses by donjr

Condolences to Anoushka Shankar as well (another great sitarist and another daughter of Ravi's). Ravi had some good genes. I don't own a lot of Ravi's music but what I do own I find to be amazing and makes for some great afternoon listening for me on the weekends. I was also turned on to Nikhil Banerjee who practiced under the same guru as Ravi and he was easily as good as Ravi if not subjectively better. The sitar is a great instrument but I've always found it difficult to play air sitar.
Thanks to all sharing information on various artists. Kijanki, it's funny you mention Ustad Ali Akbar Kahn. A few year ago my wife brought home volume 3 of the Ammp signature series. I was floored the first time we played it. I'm not kidding when I say it takes me to a different place when I hear it. I would suggest it to any Ravi fans.

I had a coworker mention Sultan Khan today. Have you ever heard him? I don't believe he plays sitar but another instrument of which sound I'm familiar with but the name of that instrument escapes me. Thanks again.