Raven One

I was curious what the feedback has been on the baby Raven turntable. I can't afford the Raven AC. Does anyone know the cost? If the laws of diminishing returns apply, this should have great performance.

thanks for looking.

Showing 11 responses by ducatirider

that would of curse lead me to ask,...how good is the arm compared to say a Rega RB300? is it a good enough table to get a high end arm, like a phantom for example?
congratulations RWD. sometimes the journey is more rewarding than the destination. enjoy.

How does the Raven 1 compare with the Mambo? These seem to be similar in theory both plinthless suspensionless belt drives. More mass loading on the Raven with what I would suspect to be a higher torque motor.

Just out of curiosity, which bearing has a longer bearing sleeve? I know it's not really an indication of anything but general construction.

How on earth do you site a 190 lb turntable? And does anyone know how much the Raven One weighs and its dimensions?
Hey Emailists,

Did you get your Raven One yet? I am now in the que for May. Saw your post for the Shroeder Arm. What arm did you decide on? I am getting a Triplanar for mine.
you had me shocked there for a minute emailists.
david: in europe reports are that the AC and One are very close. some listeners think the One is more dynamic (it is quite a bit lighter). for me the logistics of using a 190 lbs turntable is too cumbersome. there is a bit of buzz on pink fish media (i started a thread asking about the Vivid 2 tonearm)
do a search for raven.
The Vivid arm is Jelco and the American dealer confirms that it is similar to the Koetsu arm. If you search pictures on the net, they look very similar as well. Too bad I can't speak german. There's alot more german press out there.
What is the word from the field? Mine is shipping at the end of next week. Word from Europe so far seems we;; received.
emailist, what was your previous table as a comparison point? my table is in transit from germany and should arrive next week (i'm in canada). i will be setting up myself. i'm starting with the cheaper vivid arm for now and will be getting a graham in the fall.
World's first Raven One review:
