Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?

Only reason I ask is because it will be pushing Salk Veracity Ht2-TL’s...  Im coming off a Belles Aria, which was fantastic, but wanted to try something different.  My concern is the low wattage of the Raven and low sensitivity of the salks, but my Belles 75 watts sounded better than 3 other nice 225 watt integrateds.  
So, anyone with experience with the Raven Blackhawk LE pushing somewhat low sensitivity speakers chime in and let me know.  


Showing 6 responses by audition__audio

What is the lowest impedance point of your speakers? 

Millercarbon is wrong the Raven 20 watts is not equal to 50 to 100 watts of S.S. power. He just cant recognize when he is clipping his tube amp. 

Looked at the Raven website. A tube manufacturer that makes 4 ohm impedance speakers? Stupid! Supposed to be very good gear however.

Everyone is stupid for making low impedance speakers when they can design the same speaker with a higher impedance. Especially bad are wide swings. Now I am not saying that low imp. or wide swings arent sometimes the only way to create a design, but in almost every case, higher impedance, stable loads are much easier for all amps to drive and will sound better due to the ease on the amplifier. I can think of only one designer that may claim his amps sound better with low impedance loads. 

Man I dont visit this forum for a few days and MC does more damage than normal. I apologize on his behalf because he never will.

S.S. watts are the same as tube watts, sorry that MC interprets tube sound as more powerful sound. The other thing he may be interpreting incorrectly is the soft clipping on his tube amp. His belief in this is such a silly mistake it kind of cheapens everything to follow.

I am glad you like your amp, but remember even a broken clock is correct twice a day so dont go thinking of MC as some sort of sage. 

On his best day he gets as much correct as he gets wrong.

I dont care about MCs lack of civility, I welcome this type of discourse in these times, and I think we would all be the better for putting up with it. It is the constant drone of his shilling that gets tiresome as well as the misinformation.

A legend during his own lunch hour! 

Well I dont sell Schiit so you are in luck or most likely I am in luck.

Listen I dont care what you think of me but please pay attention to what MC says. Apply what you know to what he says. First of all he shills at every opportunity for several products ad nauseum. I guess if you like these products is it O.K. huh? What he doesnt say is he likes these products, he implies these products are the best. Also with a good measure of "I have heard everything". He oversimplifies some very complex issues and conveys audio as a right or wrong proposition. Which of course it is not. But when he states something that is demonstrably incorrect he needs to be called out. If he wasnt so definitive I wouldnt approach him so aggressively. 

Sorry but incorrect statements are never right even if they come from a good place. Wrong is wrong and having it floating out there does no one any good. Please find me any person, expert or otherwise, that states that tube watts are different than S.S. watts. Sure they sound different but they arent different in terms of output. 

Listen you can always find an amp which may be better than other amps that cost 2 to 3 times much. But this is more a reflection on the amp which is bettered than the amp which is up for discussion. If you buy wisely, the more expensive amp will always outperform the less expensive amp which should come as no surprise. Further, I object to the notion that all S.S. and tube amps share the same intrinsic sound. The beauty of tube designs is the overall comparative simplicity, but they also suffer problems one of which a current versus voltage issue. I also think that transformers are limiting devices which do their job effectively but not without a sonic cost. 
Yeah I'll bet the U.S. is the only country with forums that suffer these types of problems. 

Do not change to KT150s without doing a bunch of research on this tube type. I thought, for my garage system , that the extra power of the KT120s was worth the slight loss of humanity. I have never used KT150s, but have heard a number of users as well as manufacturers that dont like this tube.